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 Pregnancy Ticker

Saturday, June 4, 2011

29 weeks a look back

So most of you who read this blog (or did read this blog when I updated regularly) know that Our baby is here. I'm taking a bit of time while he sleeps to catch us up.

We got a wonderful crib thanks to a friend from work. She had her baby's crib recalled and was given a voucher but since her baby is now 4 she didn't need the crib again. So she offered it to us. We picked a convertible crib that changes to a toddler bed and with a conversion kit into a full size bed as well. We also did get a glider rocker! I love it.

After we got the items and brought them home (after renting a truck for it.) I spent one day at home putting the crib and rocker together myself. It's starting to look nice in the baby's nursery.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

28 weeks and some baby furniture!

Week 28 is almost at it's end but there is some sort of worry-some news I must share to get it off my chest and have some prayers from family and friends.

I met with my Nurse today after working with the insulin for 6 days now...my fasting blood sugar numbers are still high and it appears my body is still resisting the insulin. I started off with 20 units of insulin at night and 10 units 12 hours later, but as it hadn't help the nurse advised me after a couple days to up the dose by 2 units each night. As of today she is pushing me up 4 units each night until the fasting numbers stabilize in the mid 80s. I have been averaging something between 96-112.

The problem is with the baby's belly so large the nurse informed me today that if he doesn't lose some of that belly weight there is no way they are going to let me deliver naturally. I'm so frustrated because I can't control the way my body is responding at all and I'm disappointed to be struggling with this issue and not normal issues like cravings and possible lingering morning sickness.

I'm exhausted of monitoring my food and limiting my milk and fruit because the carbs involved and have been day dreaming of everything i'm not suppose to eat in large quantities. Praise the Lord I haven't had any cravings though. I'd be in big trouble.

So Little Man in my Belly - take your Mommy's advice and start doing some crunches to get rid of that belly please!

Tonight Jeremy and I are going to pick up the new crib, a mattress, and hopefully a glider rocker for me for those late night feedings. Scary and exciting we also have Birthing Classes coming up this Saturday and Sunday. Hoping I will still be able to use the class information to relax during a natural birth and not just wasting money on learning what we could use if I didn't have to have a C-Section. Oh and i've started fetal kick counts, the little man is a wonder of a kicker many times during the day and some times I think he might burst out from the force. Also my blood pressure is still normal 112/64 so no problem warning signs of pre-eclampsia either.

Okay...done venting...time to get ready to go get those baby items (and maybe I can splurge on a couple of cute outfits as some retail therapy too.

27 weeks and more ultrasound pictures

Well 27 weeks has come and gone. We had an ultrasound for the monthly growth check of Mr. baby Scherer and found that he's growing quite a bit. He's already weighing about 3 lbs! That's about 1/2 pound bigger than he was estimated to be at this time in pregnancy.

Rough news is that his bitty baby belly has jumped from the 70% percentile to the upper 90% percentile which means he's swimming in sugar while I sleep. The side effects and warning signs for me is the persistently higher than normal fasting blood sugar numbers in the morning. For me it's very frustrating. I've also been quite sick to my stomach which is probably a combination of side effects of the diabetes medications, my IBS, and stress in general.

So when I met with the nurse she decide it was time to put the medicines aside and turn to Insulin. I've never been needle squeamish nor do I might giving myself the shot either if it helps the blood sugar numbers level out, but it's still a bit of a scary thought to jab myself twice a day. We'll see how it goes...

And now for some cute, cute ultrasound pictures:

Top left: Profile number 1: he was practicing his breathing and swallowing while we watching him on the screen.
Top Right: A second shot with his little fist coming up near his face.
Bottom Left: Obligatory confirmation of the gender.
Bottom Right: 3D shot of his face with his arms up near his face as well. Pretty sure he looks like his dad quite a bit!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Week 26 - feeling a bit more pregnant

Since being back to work from vacation I have had several people tell me that I've "popped out" and am now looking more pregnant. I know I have but still have not gained any weight. The baby seems to using up some of my stored fats and the diet restriction is helping him along. I'm okay with this but know for sure that the end is coming because I am now feeling more pregnant with backaches more frequently, leg cramps in the calves, uncomfortable tightness where my sides and stomach are stretching. I again feel like I've eaten too much but it's the feeling of my belly growing. The baby is very active and I can tell when he's sleeping or turning somersaults.

With the aches and pains comes also some not feeling well myself. I'm having some stomach problems that could be from a few different things: increased hormones from the baby, my IBS rearing it's head from work stress, added effect of getting more pregnant (the stuff people don't really talk about like constipation.), or side effects from my medicine. In any case I feel not so happy and nothing really sounds good to eat. I've been taking as much time as I can to try to sleep through some of it.

Great news from work is I passed my 30 day written warning from said early stress and I'm still working so I am thinking I made the improvements they were hoping to. I also got my doctor's note this week that states I need to take frequent, short breaks to deal with my pregnancy complications.

What's going on next? Well tomorrow Jeremy and I are going crib shopping. We are most likely actually going to place an order online but a friend of ours from work is helping us out! Tomorrow evening we are going to a Medieval village for an authentic feast. It should be a challenge for me but that is how this next week is looking for food.

I'm getting more and more excited as the time ticks away...more next week!

Week 25 Home Sweet Home

Back at home from vacation found me super happy to be making my own food where I knew the numbers would be in range for my restricted diet.

One thing I forgot to mention that was pretty major was that while lounging at the hotel Jeremy got to see and feel the baby kick! What a fun thing for him to feel since I have been feeling him off any on.

Well going back to work was hard and on the 14th I actually went home sick. I had leg cramps, a headache, and felt like I was going to throw up. I went home and napped but then got up and made some chocolate covered strawberries that looked like Tuxedos for Jeremy and Dan for Valentine's day. We had them at our wedding and I found they were pretty easy to make actually! I also left work a couple days later early because my sugar numbers were much higher than they were suppose to be and I couldn't figure out why.

This week was also my monthly OB appointment and I talked to her about stress at work and my numbers being higher than I'd like. She explained that this is normal for the baby is growing as is the placenta and that means I'm becoming more insulin resistant and essentially more diabetic as the pregnancy progresses but overall she seemed pleased because that means the baby is still kicking (just have her feel my stomach at the right time of day would give her the same results.)

Week 24 - from Portland, Or

So we had so much fun hanging out together at the Benson Hotel. This is a fancy hotel I was able to find a good deal on (since it was the week before Valentine's day) and it turns out that every President since Taft has stayed there too.

My main concern was making sure I had appropriate snacks with me and alternatives for breakfast as I fully was aware my husband likes to sleep in when ever he can. The train ride down was fun, the engine has some electrical problems so we ended up arriving later to Portland than expected. We walked our suitcases and things up probably 6-7 blocks to the hotel and then went in search of dinner. We finally found ourselves in a different hotel restaurant for dinner but it was delicious..

The week passed quickly and really we stayed at the hotel most of the time. Food was a challenge as I feel very restricted in what I could choose and what was either in walking distance, had something I could eat, or delivered to the hotel when we were feeling lazy. All in all the trip was fun. We came home with two small carry on suitcases full of new books including a few for the little baby. It was a great time to just be with each other and appreciate that time. I'll add pictures when I finally bring the camera downstairs for Jeremy to add to the server.

I did get sick one day and we had to make a trip to the Rite-Aid to get crackers and diet seven-up. I think it was one of my breakfast choices.

Week 23 in review

Um...week twenty three...the end of January and beginning of February. This week was set apart by Jeremy's and my excitement to go our on our last vacation before the baby comes. I had been trying to think of something to do other than stay home for a while. Our original plan was to fly out in March to New York then Boston for a gaming convention we attended last year. Well Jeremy's job is getting busier and busier and that turned out to be nixed right away. So where else could we go and have fun? We decided on Portland, Oregon. We both had been there for a couple days last year and have fun going to the largest independent bookstore Powell's books. The only other concern was how were we going to get there and back and leave the only car we have for my brother and our roommate to make it to work. I was fortunate enough to take a train ride to Montana last year with my mother and loved it. So I booked us a round trip on Amtrak.

In preparation for going on vacation I was trying to prepare myself to have a hard time eating out the entire week. My sugar numbers were actually higher than the nurse and dietitian wanted them so the day I left for vacation I had to quickly have her call in the prescription to a close pharmacy. I was able to pick it up with enough time to get home and pack the car to go on vacation. After the stress at work I was so excited to get away and not think about the workplace for a while and just focus on Jeremy and I relaxing together.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Work Stress and Week 22

I've had a very, very stressful week at work. I know you are all thinking right away - Stress isn't good for the baby. Believe me if I could have avoided the stress I would have. I'm now facing a hard 30 days at work under scrutiny for things that got escalated for someone perceiving I have a hard time handling anger at work. I was angry for good reason and that good reason seems to be looked over by my employer.

So I'm managing as best as I can, on top of still figuring out when to eat, when to test my blood, and how to incorporate meals I miss.

The good news is that I got to have the second ultrasound and the echo-cardiogram. It was 2 hours long. I was able to see baby boy yawn and stick his tongue out too! The results showed that he is on target for his development and seemed to have long arm and leg bones which suggest he will be tall. I was able to get more pictures from them, and although most of my blood sugar numbers are okay but my morning blood sugar number is still too high for gestational diabetes. So they are putting me on medicine to help. Basically when you sleep the body's blood sugar level drops and the liver, which stores sugar, releases some into your body. Normal healthy people's livers can tell when it has released enough sugar to trigger the insulin to be released by the pancreas. My body's liver is not recognizing when the insulin has been released. Too much sugar in the body. The medicine is suppose to make the liver more sensitive to the insulin release.

and now for the pictures!

Oh Hi baby boy! (He didn't want to sit still so there are a couple blurry shots I didn't post)

Case and point, his hand is over his face (I think he's trying to avoid the paparazzi)

After he yawned the technician replayed that part of the video and took three shots the above is the pre-yawn shot.

Above is the second shot where you can see him opening his mouth.

And finally nice large yawn! It was probably one of the coolest things I have ever seen.

Week 21 - First week of food monitoring

I can tell you this week was certainly hard. I was pretty consumed with when to test my blood sugar, when to eat, what I'm eating now, and what I was going to eat next that would fit into the diet restriction.

For those that aren't too aware of what my restriction is - I can have 30 grams of carbohydrates for breakfast, 15 for the morning snack, 45 for lunch, 15-30 for evening snack, 45 for dinner, and 15-30 for bedtime snack. For examples of how much that is : one slice of bread is 15 grams, as is 8 oz of milk, half an apple, half of a large banana, half a whole wheat English muffin, 1 and 1/4 cups strawberries, 3/4 cup blueberries, and yogurt is the real kicker. Yogurt can go from 4 grams of carbohydrates up to 44 grams. It makes figuring out what I can eat time consuming to start.

I test my blood 4-8 times a day to see what the glucose number is (the carbohydrates turn to glucose in the body and the body breaks them down with use of insulin. My body is not producing enough insulin at the moment probably due to the hormones with the baby.) It can be super time consuming when you first are figuring out what you are eating and what you can't eat.

Meeting with the dietitian this week gave me insight on to examples of meals, how to read labels (consequently making grocery shopping longer) If my blood sugar numbers don't hit a certain range they will prescribe medicine to help my body adjust or eventually insulin injections.

The effects on the baby if you do not control the diabetes is high birth weight which can complicate delivery, higher upper body and belly weight, it can cause problems with heart development, and even how the baby functions when it comes to food when he makes choices. Women with gestational diabetes tend to deliver early as they don't want the peanut to be too big.

I meet with a dietitian and a nurse once a week as well as a doctor in maternal fetal medicine, and they need an ultrasound and an echo-cardiogram of the baby's developing heart.

I'm trying to stay positive with this whole thing. I love my carbs and sugars but the baby is definitely more important and I know for a fact that this will help be healthier with baby in the home too. It's better to deal with it while he has to eat whatever I eat, then when I'm sleep deprived and trying to keep everything together with him at home.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Update on Blood Glucose monitoring

So the afternoon and saturday were a bit of a struggle with figuring out what I can eat and what I have to avoid. Today I made a dinner that you can read about in my other blog. It was delicious I am still finish in half my plate and it only had 40 grams of carbs.

I am finding I'm full when I'm finished with these meals but not over stuffed and my numbers seem to be doing fairly ok. Still working on the morning fasting number being a few points to high. The great news is I bought a kitchen scale so I can measure out how much I am eating and cooking. I love to cook and I think it will help me adjust.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Slightly bad news but mostly good news...

Okay I'm going to start out with the slightly bad news. I got my Glucose Tolerance Test results and they have diagnosed me with Gestational Diabetes. I'll post more on that tomorrow once I go to the specialist to learn about monitoring my blood sugar and adjusting my diet. Hopefully that is all I will have to do. It is not shocking as my dad as Type 2 diabetes and both of my mom's parents did as well. I have been around people who have to monitor that for most of my life.


We had our ultrasound today: Here are some of the pictures:

This is the baby's profile view with hand in the back.
Second is a picture of the baby's foot:

Finally a picture of the baby's face
(mostly still skeletal structure but you can see the eyes and the nose placement.):
So I bet you have already guessed by the color change of the website...but we did find out the gender of our baby...and we are having a BOY! Jeremy and I are both super excited to shop for Mr. baby Scherer. We were able to see his little heart beating, see him having hiccups and moving around in my belly, and even see some of his brain as they measured him to see if we are still on track with my due date (we are give or take two days either way). Baby Boy Scherer has both arms and legs and looks to be all the right number of fingers and toes.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Week 19

This week the major event was having to take a Glucose Tolerance Test. For those of you who haven't had to take this test, it's a 2 1/2 hour test. You start by having fasted for at least 8 hours, they take your blood, you drink a glucose drink, wait one hour and they draw blood, wait another hour and draw blood again. I was hungry going in and I had two major concerns. One - I might throw up because I was so hungry (thankfully the only time I have been sick during this journey so far) and two the Glucose drink...the last time I had to drink something for a medical procedure was when I had to have a colonoscopy.

Great news...the drink doesn't taste the same. Mine was Lemon Lime flavored and tasted like watered down soda without the carbonation. I also had a nice place to sit and watch a movie while waiting for my next blood draws. So the test is over and I should know the results some time next week. Next week will be a big week because it's ULTRASOUND WEEK!!!! I'm both nervous and excited to find out if were having a girl or boy.

Other things on my mind...well I still haven't really gained much weight. In fact one of the other ladies getting her glucose test said I didn't really look 5 months along. I am still somewhat okay with that because I know I will be gaining soon. I guess that's everything for now. Big post coming up Thursday if the baby cooperates ;)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Week 18

Christmas and New Years Eve was a busy week at work for all of us so the actual days off were pretty low key. My mom was here and we had wonderful food and played Bananagrams for four hours!

Less than two weeks until the ultrasound. I was able to get most of the Christmas cards out on time and the rest are sitting on the dryer ready to go in the mail tomorrow. The tree didn't really get fully decorated but thank goodness for pre-lit trees.

The baby has received a couple ducky stuffed animals from my mom and a ducky piggy bank from one of my Aunts.

Jeremy and I rang in the New Year just before passing out and enjoyed a few moments alone reflecting it's our last New Years without baby. I'm currently trying to plan a nice trip to Portland for the two of us as a last vacation before baby as well. We plan to explore a bit of Portland, visit Powell's bookstore, and relax together while I can still somewhat move comfortably around.