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Thursday, March 10, 2011

28 weeks and some baby furniture!

Week 28 is almost at it's end but there is some sort of worry-some news I must share to get it off my chest and have some prayers from family and friends.

I met with my Nurse today after working with the insulin for 6 days now...my fasting blood sugar numbers are still high and it appears my body is still resisting the insulin. I started off with 20 units of insulin at night and 10 units 12 hours later, but as it hadn't help the nurse advised me after a couple days to up the dose by 2 units each night. As of today she is pushing me up 4 units each night until the fasting numbers stabilize in the mid 80s. I have been averaging something between 96-112.

The problem is with the baby's belly so large the nurse informed me today that if he doesn't lose some of that belly weight there is no way they are going to let me deliver naturally. I'm so frustrated because I can't control the way my body is responding at all and I'm disappointed to be struggling with this issue and not normal issues like cravings and possible lingering morning sickness.

I'm exhausted of monitoring my food and limiting my milk and fruit because the carbs involved and have been day dreaming of everything i'm not suppose to eat in large quantities. Praise the Lord I haven't had any cravings though. I'd be in big trouble.

So Little Man in my Belly - take your Mommy's advice and start doing some crunches to get rid of that belly please!

Tonight Jeremy and I are going to pick up the new crib, a mattress, and hopefully a glider rocker for me for those late night feedings. Scary and exciting we also have Birthing Classes coming up this Saturday and Sunday. Hoping I will still be able to use the class information to relax during a natural birth and not just wasting money on learning what we could use if I didn't have to have a C-Section. Oh and i've started fetal kick counts, the little man is a wonder of a kicker many times during the day and some times I think he might burst out from the force. Also my blood pressure is still normal 112/64 so no problem warning signs of pre-eclampsia either.

Okay...done venting...time to get ready to go get those baby items (and maybe I can splurge on a couple of cute outfits as some retail therapy too.

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